After the SmartBoost Kinesiology program....
After 3 sessions in the SmartBoost Kinesiology program, my 10 year old son was sitting on the lounge reading. I had never seen him do this before. He said to me, "I never knew if felt like this when you read." Chrystal P.
Our 7 year old son had a very short attention span and was having trouble comprehending what he was reading. He was reading at Level 8 when we started treatment. Within just 5 weeks, he had moved up to Level 15. He is now a lot happier and his teacher has commented on his overal improvement. P & N Rixon.
My grandchild was in Grade 2 and having great difficulty learning to read. This is the trait that runs through our family. After the SmartBoost program, he went from reading at Level 4 to Level 18 within 10 weeks. Now he is so happy and willing to go to school. Two years on and he is still doing well. Ross T.
My child was diagnosed with ADHD and we did not like the side effects of the medication. After a few visits, we saw huge changes. He became more settled and able to concentrate on a task. Reading became more fluent and he was happier and more cooperative with us. Jo S.
My child had difficulty learning, never smiled very much and was always too serious. She is now a lot more confident, she smiles and laughs al the time...it is beautiful to see. Learning is now so much easier for her. Tanya H.
My 16 year old was stressed and overwhelmed with Grade 11. Her diet choices and body image was also an issue. Carolyn assisted her to quickly get back on track and improve her general brain function. Sue H.
My 7 year old daughter was always in tears, experienced separaton anxiety and struggled with learning difficulties in reading and Maths. I saw such a change in her after a few weeks into the program. She was happier, more settled and coped with new experiences. Kate T.
After Kinesiology Healing Sessions...
I was struggling with depression and taking anti-depressants for years. I was still feeling stressed and unhappy. I saw Carolyn for a session. Within a few days, I had a major turnaround and felt the shadow lift and the sunshine come back into my thinking. Her NeoLife Vitamin B-Complex is amazing. I felt the benefits within a few days. Sonya P.
My 19 year old son had no direction since leaving school. He got caught up in using drugs and didn't have a job. After 2 sessions, he got over using social drugs and said that it wasn't worth it. Within 3 weeks, he has started his first job and said he wants to go to University. Thank you Carolyn for giving my son back. P.L.